A downloadable game for Windows

Game made for TEDI Jam  #25.

3D game powered by Unreal Engine 5. 

Created by:

Roman ÄŽurek - Programmer

Ivan Kohoutek - Sound / Level Design

Kristián Mikuš - PR Manager, Narrative designer

Marek Gaduš - Graphic / UI Design


If you don't wanna spoil the game, please don't watch gameplay video before you played :) . If you struggle at some stage of the game, you can take a look and get some inspiration, how to approach some platforms. Good Luck & Have Fun.


Crystal Hunter 1.2.zip 497 MB


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it's frustrating when you die in late game and you have to start from scratch, checkpoints would help :)

Hi, firstable, thank you for your comment, we really appreciate it. 

we were expecting, this kind of feedback. We were thinking about checkpoints/saves, but we decided, that we won't be making them at the end :). But from time to time, it's always good to have some challange. Even if the game might be hard sometimes, I think it's always good, that it evokes at least some kind of feeling in player, wheater its good or not :)